How to Manage Your Beta Readers

Manage Beta Readers

  1. Click on the Book that who’s readers you would like to check in on.
  2. Click on the “Readers” Tab
  3. From here, you can edit your Beta Readers’ instructions by clicking on “View/Update Instructions.”
  4. You can also Disable a reader by clicking on the “Disable Reader” button.

Checking Reader Progress

  1. Check on your Readers’ progress by clicking on the “Progress” tab.
  2. From here, you can check on whether or not your reader has viewed or left a comment on the chapters they have access to. If they have not, you can click on “Remind” to send them a reminder email.
  3. If the Reader has left you a comment, you can click “View” to be taken to the comment section with their feedback.

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